Haxe Nape & Pixi.js Demo

A quick basic physics demo using haxe, pixi.js and nape just to make sure the combination works and well it works :) Click here for the demo and source code below. package samples.nape; import pixi.renderers.IRenderer; import pixi.display.Sprite; import pixi.display.Stage; import...

Haxe pixi.js externs API (using chxdoc)

I was playing with documentation generator library chxdoc this week and amazingly it covered all the basics I needed for generating API documentation. With a bit of template customization, I have generated API documentation for my pixi.js haxe externs and...

Haxe Static Extensions

Static extensions in Haxe can be used to mimic multiple inheritance similar to mixins in Javascript. It’s a powerful feature and should be used carefully. StringTools class is a good example of station extension. Refer to my earlier post for...

Haxe default Access Modifiers and Return Value Type

Any developers out there coming from ActionScript or Java background like me, the default access modifiers and function return type in Haxe are a bit different. So let’s have a quick look at them in classes, interfaces and externs. Classes:...

Haxe String Interpolation and StringTools

String interpolation is common in many programming languages including modern languages like Dart, Swift, etc and I am glad that it is also available in Haxe. String interpolation provides an intuitive way of formatting strings in place of string concatenation....