Haxe Checkstyle Code Climate Integration

I am happy to announce the partnership with Code Climate to bring static analysis via Haxe Checkstyle to all Haxe users. Now you can to analyze Haxe projects on codeclimate.com, as well as run custom static analysis for Haxe on...

Web Workers

I recently started exploring web workers in JavaScript and found them really useful to help boost the general performance of web apps. The Problem JavaScript apps are single threaded and can be unresponsive or degrade performance if the app has...

Haxe Getters and Setters

Haxe has a unique way of using getter/setter functions and it can be sometimes confusing for developers coming from other languages. I recommend to read the official documentation as well. Getter and Setter You can define a variable to have...

Haxe Compiler Metadata

Haxe compiler metadata can be really handy to get specific behavior or to tweak the language based on your needs. You can get the full list of supported compiler flags by running haxe --help-metas. It’s a big list and the...

Haxe Documentation Generators

A quick intro to a couple of documentation generators I have tried recently chxdoc and yuidoc. Note that yuidoc is Javascript Documentation Tool which also works with Haxe. chxdoc Make sure you have chxdoc installed. haxelib install chxdoc chxdoc generates...