API Docs for: 2.2.1

File: pixi/InteractionManager.hx

                        package pixi;
                        import pixi.display.Stage;
                        extern class InteractionManager {
                        	 * The interaction manager deals with mouse and touch events. Any DisplayObject can be interactive
                        	 * if its interactive parameter is set to true
                        	 * This manager also supports multitouch.
                        	 * @class InteractionManager
                        	 * @constructor
                        	 * @param stage {Stage} The stage to handle interactions
                        	function new(stage:Stage);
                        	 * A reference to the stage
                        	 * @property stage
                        	 * @type Stage
                        	var stage:Stage;
                        	 * The mouse data
                        	 * @property mouse
                        	 * @type InteractionData
                        	var mouse:InteractionData;
                        	 * An object that stores current touches (InteractionData) by id reference
                        	 * @property touches
                        	 * @type Dynamic
                        	var touches:Dynamic;
                        	 * @property mouseoverEnabled
                        	 * @type Bool
                        	 * @default true
                        	var mouseoverEnabled:Bool;
                        	 * Tiny little interactiveData pool !
                        	 * @property pool
                        	 * @type Array<Dynamic>
                        	var pool:Array<Dynamic>;
                        	 * @property onMouseMove
                        	 * @type InteractionData -> Void
                        	var onMouseMove:InteractionData -> Void;
                        	 * @property onMouseDown
                        	 * @type InteractionData -> Void
                        	var onMouseDown:InteractionData -> Void;
                        	 * @property onMouseOut
                        	 * @type InteractionData -> Void
                        	var onMouseOut:InteractionData -> Void;
                        	 * @property onMouseUp
                        	 * @type InteractionData -> Void
                        	var onMouseUp:InteractionData -> Void;
                        	 * @property onTouchStart
                        	 * @type InteractionData -> Void
                        	var onTouchStart:InteractionData -> Void;
                        	 * @property onTouchEnd
                        	 * @type InteractionData -> Void
                        	var onTouchEnd:InteractionData -> Void;
                        	 * @property onTouchMove
                        	 * @type InteractionData -> Void
                        	var onTouchMove:InteractionData -> Void;
                        	 * @property last
                        	 * @type Float
                        	var last:Float;
                        	 * The css style of the cursor that is being used
                        	 * @property currentCursorStyle
                        	 * @type String
                        	var currentCursorStyle:String;
                        	 * Is set to true when the mouse is moved out of the canvas
                        	 * @property mouseOut
                        	 * @type Bool
                        	 * @default false
                        	var mouseOut:Bool;
                        	 * @property resolution
                        	 * @type Float
                        	var resolution:Float;