API Docs for: 2.2.1

File: pixi/loaders/AtlasLoader.hx

                        package pixi.loaders;
                        import pixi.utils.EventTarget;
                        extern class AtlasLoader extends EventTarget {
                        	 * The atlas file loader is used to load in Atlas data and parse it
                        	 * When loaded this class will dispatch a 'loaded' event
                        	 * If loading fails this class will dispatch an 'error' event
                        	 * @class AtlasLoader
                        	 * @extends EventTarget
                        	 * @constructor
                        	 * @param url {String} the url of the JSON file
                        	 * @param [crossorigin] {Bool}
                        	function new(url:String, ?crossorigin:Bool);
                        	 * The url of the json file
                        	 * @property url
                        	 * @type String
                        	var url:String;
                        	 * Whether the requests should be treated as cross origin
                        	 * @property crossorigin
                        	 * @type Boolean
                        	var crossorigin:Bool;
                        	 * [read-only] The base url of json file
                        	 * @property baseUrl
                        	 * @type String
                        	 * @readOnly
                        	var baseUrl:String;
                        	 * [read-only] Whether the data has loaded yet
                        	 * @property loaded
                        	 * @type Boolean
                        	 * @readOnly
                        	var loaded:Bool;
                        	 * Parsed json response
                        	var json:Dynamic;
                        	 * Starts loading the JSON file
                        	 * @method load
                        	function load():Void;