API Docs for: 2.2.1

File: pixi/loaders/ImageLoader.hx

                        package pixi.loaders;
                        import pixi.utils.EventTarget;
                        import pixi.textures.Texture;
                        extern class ImageLoader extends EventTarget {
                        	 * The image loader class is responsible for loading images file formats ('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png' and 'gif')
                        	 * Once the image has been loaded it is stored in the PIXI texture cache and can be accessed though PIXI.Texture.fromFrameId() and PIXI.Sprite.fromFrameId()
                        	 * When loaded this class will dispatch a 'loaded' event
                        	 * @class ImageLoader
                        	 * @uses EventTarget
                        	 * @constructor
                        	 * @param url {String} The url of the image
                        	 * @param [crossorigin] {Bool} Whether requests should be treated as crossorigin
                        	function new(url:String, ?crossorigin:Bool);
                        	 * The texture being loaded
                        	 * @property texture
                        	 * @type Texture
                        	var texture:Texture;
                        	 * if the image is loaded with loadFramedSpriteSheet
                        	 * frames will contain the sprite sheet frames
                        	 * @property frames
                        	 * @type Array
                        	 * @readOnly
                        	var frames:Array<Texture>;
                        	 * Loads image or takes it from cache
                        	 * @method load
                        	function load():Void;
                        	 * Loads image and split it to uniform sized frames
                        	 * @method loadFramedSpriteSheet
                        	 * @param frameWidth {Float} width of each frame
                        	 * @param frameHeight {Float} height of each frame
                        	 * @param textureName {String} if given, the frames will be cached in <textureName>-<ord> format
                        	function loadFramedSpriteSheet(frameWidth:Float, frameHeight:Float, ?textureName:String):Void;