API Docs for: 2.2.1

File: pixi/plugins/particles/cloudkid/Emitter.hx

                        package pixi.plugins.particles.cloudkid;
                        extern class Emitter {
                        	*	If either ownerPos or spawnPos has changed since the previous update.
                        	*	@property {Bool} _posChanged
                        	var _posChanged:Bool;
                        	*	Acceleration to apply to particles. Using this disables
                        	*	any interpolation of particle speed. If the particles do
                        	*	not have a rotation speed, then they will be rotated to
                        	*	match the direction of travel.
                        	*	@property {pixi.geom.Point} acceleration
                        	*	@default null
                        	var acceleration:pixi.geom.Point;
                        	*	If particles should be added at the back of the display list instead of the front.
                        	*	@property {Bool} addAtBack
                        	var addAtBack:Bool;
                        	*	Angle at which to start spawning particles in a burst.
                        	*	@property {Float} angleStart
                        	*	@default 0
                        	var angleStart:Float;
                        	*	An easing function for nonlinear interpolation of values. Accepts a single
                        	*	parameter of time as a value from 0-1, inclusive. Expected outputs are values
                        	*	from 0-1, inclusive.
                        	*	@property {Void->Void} customEase
                        	var customEase:Void -> Void;
                        	var emit:Bool;
                        	*	The amount of time in seconds to emit for before setting emit to false.
                        	*	A value of -1 is an unlimited amount of time.
                        	*	@property {Float} emitterLifetime
                        	*	@default -1
                        	var emitterLife:Float;
                        	*	The ending alpha of all particles.
                        	*	@property {Float} endAlpha
                        	*	@default 1
                        	var endAlpha:Float;
                        	*	The ending color of all particles, as red, green, and blue uints from 0-255.
                        	*	@property {Array<Int>} endColor
                        	var endColor:Array<Int>;
                        	*	The ending scale of all particles.
                        	*	@property {Float} endScale
                        	*	@default 1
                        	var endScale:Float;
                        	*	The ending speed of all particles.
                        	*	@property {Float} endSpeed
                        	*	@default 0
                        	var endSpeed:Float;
                        	 *	Extra data for use in custom particles. The emitter doesn't look inside, but
                        	 *	passes it on to the particle to use in init().
                        	 *	@property {Dynamic} extraData
                        	var extraData:Dynamic;
                        	*	Time between particle spawns in seconds.
                        	*	@property {Float} frequency
                        	var frequency:Float;
                        	*	The maximum lifetime for a particle, in seconds.
                        	*	@property {Float} maxLifetime
                        	var maxLifetime:Float;
                        	*	Maximum number of particles to keep alive at a time. If this limit
                        	*	is reached, no more particles will spawn until some have died.
                        	*	@property {Int} maxParticles
                        	*	@default 1000
                        	var maxParticles:Int;
                        	*	The maximum start rotation for a particle, in degrees. This value
                        	*	is ignored if the spawn type is "burst" or "arc".
                        	*	@property {Float} maxStartRotation
                        	var maxRotationSpeed:Float;
                        	*	The maximum rotation speed for a particle, in degrees per second.
                        	*	This only visually spins the particle, it does not change direction of movement.
                        	*	@property {Float} maxRotationSpeed
                        	var maxStartRotation:Float;
                        	*	A minimum multiplier for the scale of a particle at both start and
                        	*	end. A value between minimumScaleMultiplier and 1 is randomly generated
                        	*	and multiplied with startScale and endScale to provide the actual
                        	*	startScale and endScale for each particle.
                        	*	@property {Float} minimumScaleMultiplier
                        	*	@default 1
                        	var minimumScaleMultiplier:Float;
                        	*	The minimum lifetime for a particle, in seconds.
                        	*	@property {Float} minLifetime
                        	var minLifetime:Float;
                        	*	The minimum rotation speed for a particle, in degrees per second.
                        	*	This only visually spins the particle, it does not change direction of movement.
                        	*	@property {Float} minRotationSpeed
                        	var minRotationSpeed:Float;
                        	*	The world position of the emitter's owner, to add spawnPos to when
                        	*	spawning particles. To change this, use updateSpawnOrigin().
                        	*	@property {pixi.geom.Point} ownerPos
                        	*	@default {x:0, y:0}
                        	*	@readOnly
                        	var ownerPos:pixi.geom.Point;
                        	*	The display object to add particles to.
                        	*	@property {pixi.display.DisplayObjectContainer} parent
                        	var parent:pixi.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
                        	*	The blend mode for all particles, as named by PIXI.blendModes.
                        	*	@property {Int} particleBlendMode
                        	var particleBlendMode:Int;
                        	*	An array of PIXI Texture objects.
                        	*	@property {Array<pixi.textures.Texture>} particleImages
                        	var particleImage:Array<pixi.textures.Texture>;
                        	*	Spacing between particles in a burst. 0 gives a random angle for each particle.
                        	*	@property {Float} particleSpacing
                        	*	@default 0
                        	var particleSpacing:Float;
                        	*	Float of particles to spawn each wave in a burst.
                        	*	@property {int} particlesPerWave
                        	*	@default 1
                        	var particlePerWave:Int;
                        	*	Rotation of the emitter or emitter's owner in degrees. This is added to
                        	*	the calculated spawn angle.
                        	*	To change this, use rotate().
                        	*	@property {Float} rotation
                        	*	@default 0
                        	*	@readOnly
                        	var rotation:Float;
                        	*	A circle relative to spawnPos to spawn particles inside if the spawn type is "circle".
                        	*	@property {pixi.geom.Circle} spawnCircle
                        	var spawnCircle:pixi.geom.Circle;
                        	*	Position at which to spawn particles, relative to the emitter's owner's origin.
                        	*	For example, the flames of a rocket travelling right might have a spawnPos
                        	*	of {x:-50, y:0}.
                        	*	to spawn at the rear of the rocket.
                        	*	To change this, use updateSpawnPos().
                        	*	@property {pixi.geom.Point} spawnPos
                        	*	@readOnly
                        	var spawnPos:pixi.geom.Point;
                        	*	A rectangle relative to spawnPos to spawn particles inside if the spawn type is "rect".
                        	*	@property {pixi.geom.Rectangle} spawnRect
                        	var spawnRect:pixi.geom.Rectangle;
                        	*	How the particles will be spawned. Valid types are "point", "rectangle",
                        	*	"circle", "burst".
                        	*	@property {String} spawnType
                        	*	@readOnly
                        	var spawnType:String;
                        	*	The starting alpha of all particles.
                        	*	@property {Float} startAlpha
                        	*	@default 1
                        	var startAlpha:Float;
                        	var startColor:Array<Int>;
                        	*	The starting scale of all particles.
                        	*	@property {Float} startScale
                        	*	@default 1
                        	var startScale:Float;
                        	*	The starting speed of all particles.
                        	*	@property {Float} startSpeed
                        	*	@default 0
                        	var startSpeed:Float;
                        	*	A particle emitter.
                        	*	@class Emitter
                        	*	@constructor
                        	*	@param {pixi.display.DisplayObjectContainer} particleParent The display object to add the
                        	*														particles to.
                        	*	@param {Array<pixi.textures.Texture>} [particleImages] A texture or array of textures to use
                        	*												for the particles.
                        	*	@param {Dynamic} [config] A configuration object containing settings for the emitter.
                        	function new(parent:pixi.display.DisplayObjectContainer, ?particleImages:Array<pixi.textures.Texture>, ?config:Dynamic):Void;
                        	*	Kills all active particles immediately.
                        	*	@method cleanup
                        	function cleanup():Void;
                        	*	Destroys the emitter and all of its particles.
                        	*	@method destroy
                        	function destroy():Void;
                        	*	Sets up the emitter based on the config settings.
                        	*	@method init
                        	*	@param {Array<pixi.textures.Texture>} particleImages A texture or array of textures to use for the particles.
                        	*	@param {Dynamic} config A configuration object containing settings for the emitter.
                        function init( particleImages:Array<pixi.textures.Texture>, config:Dynamic):Void;
                        	*	Recycles an individual particle.
                        	*	@method recycle
                        	*	@param {Particle} particle The particle to recycle.
                        	function recycle( particle:pixi.plugins.particles.cloudkid.Particle):Void;
                        	*	Prevents emitter position interpolation in the next update.
                        	*	This should be used if you made a major position change of your emitter's owner
                        	*	that was not normal movement.
                        	*	@method resetPositionTracking
                        	function resetPositionTracking():Void;
                        	*	Sets the rotation of the emitter to a new value.
                        	*	@method rotate
                        	*	@param {Float} newRot The new rotation, in degrees.
                        	function rotate( newRot:Float):Void;
                        	*	Updates all particles spawned by this emitter and emits new ones.
                        	*	@method update
                        	*	@param {Float} delta Time elapsed since the previous frame, in __seconds__.
                        	function update( delta:Float):Void;
                        	*	Changes the position of the emitter's owner. You should call this if you are adding
                        	*	particles to the world display object that your emitter's owner is moving around in.
                        	*	@method updateOwnerPos
                        	*	@param {Float} x The new x value of the emitter's owner.
                        	*	@param {Float} y The new y value of the emitter's owner.
                        	function updateOwnerPos( x:Float, y:Float):Void;
                        	*	Changes the spawn position of the emitter.
                        	*	@method updateSpawnPos
                        	*	@param {Float} x The new x value of the spawn position for the emitter.
                        	*	@param {Float} y The new y value of the spawn position for the emitter.
                        	function updateSpawnPos( x:Float, y:Float):Void;