API Docs for: 2.2.1

File: pixi/plugins/particles/cloudkid/ParticleUtils.hx

                        package pixi.plugins.particles.cloudkid;
                        extern class ParticleUtils {
                        	*	Combines separate color components (0-255) into a single uint color.
                        	*	@method combineRGBComponents
                        	*	@param {Int} r The red value of the color
                        	*	@param {Int} g The green value of the color
                        	*	@param {Int} b The blue value of the color
                        	*	@return {Int} The color in the form of 0xRRGGBB
                        	*	@static
                        	public static function combineRGBComponents(r:Int, g:Int, b:Int):Int;
                        	*	Generates a custom ease function, based on the GreenSock custom ease, as demonstrated
                        	*	by the related tool at http://www.greensock.com/customease/.
                        	*	@method generateEase
                        	*	@param {Array<Dynamic>} segments An array of segments, as created by
                        	*	http://www.greensock.com/customease/.
                        	*	@return {Float->Float} A function that calculates the percentage of change at
                        	*						a given point in time (0-1 inclusive).
                        	*	@static
                        	public static function generateEase(segments:Array<Dynamic>):Float -> Float;
                        	*	Gets a blend mode, ensuring that it is valid.
                        	*	@method getBlendMode
                        	*	@param {String} name The name of the blend mode to get.
                        	*	@return {Int} The blend mode as specified in the PIXI.blendModes enumeration.
                        	*	@static
                        	public static function getBlendMode(name:String):Int;
                        	*	Converts a hex string from "#AARRGGBB", "#RRGGBB", "0xAARRGGBB", "0xRRGGBB",
                        	*	"AARRGGBB", or "RRGGBB" to an array of ints of 0-255 or Numbers from 0-1, as
                        	*	[r, g, b, (a)].
                        	*	@method hexToRGB
                        	*	@param {String} color The input color string.
                        	*	@param {Array<Int>} output An array to put the output in. If omitted, a new array is created.
                        	*	@return {Array<Int>} The array of numeric color values.
                        	*	@static
                        	public static function hexToRGB(color:String, output:Array<Int>):Array<Int>;
                        	 * Returns the length (or magnitude) of this point.
                        	 * @method length
                        	 * @static
                        	 * @param {pixi.geom.Point} point The point to measure length
                        	 * @return {Float} The length of this point.
                        	public static function length(point:pixi.geom.Point):Float;
                        	 * Reduces the point to a length of 1.
                        	 * @method normalize
                        	 * @static
                        	 * @param {pixi.geom.Point} point The point to normalize
                        	public static function normalize(point:pixi.geom.Point):Void;
                        	*	Rotates a point by a given angle.
                        	*	@method rotatePoint
                        	*	@param {Float} angle The angle to rotate by in degrees
                        	*	@param {pixi.geom.Point} p The point to rotate around 0,0.
                        	*	@static
                        	public static function rotatePoint(angle:Float, p:pixi.geom.Point):Void;
                        	 * Multiplies the x and y values of this point by a value.
                        	 * @method scaleBy
                        	 * @static
                        	 * @param {pixi.geom.Point} point The point to scaleBy
                        	 * @param value {Float} The value to scale by.
                        	public static function scaleBy(point:pixi.geom.Point, value:Float):Void;