File: pixi/renderers/webgl/shaders/PixiShader.hx
package pixi.renderers.webgl.shaders;
extern class PixiShader {
* @class PixiShader
* @constructor
* @param gl {WebGLContext} the current WebGL drawing context
function new(gl:Dynamic);
* @property gl
* @type WebGLContext
var gl:Dynamic;
* @property {any} program - The WebGL program.
var program:Dynamic;
* @property {array} fragmentSrc - The fragment shader.
var fragmentSrc:Array<Dynamic>;
* @property {number} textureCount - A local texture counter for multi-texture shaders.
var textureCount:Float;
* The Default Vertex shader source
* @property defaultVertexSrc
* @type String
var defaultVertexSrc:String;
* Initialises the shader
* @method init
function init():Void;
* Destroys the shader
* @method destroy
function destroy():Void;
* Initialises the shader uniform values.
* Uniforms are specified in the GLSL_ES Specification:
* @method initUniforms
function initUniforms():Void;
* Initialises a Sampler2D uniform (which may only be available later on after initUniforms once the texture has loaded)
* @method initSampler2D
function initSampler2D(uniform:Dynamic):Void;
* Updates the shader uniform values.
* @method syncUniforms
function syncUniforms():Void;