API Docs for: 2.2.1

File: pixi/renderers/webgl/utils/WebGLShaderManager.hx

                        package pixi.renderers.webgl.utils;
                        extern class WebGLShaderManager {
                        	 * @class WebGLShaderManager
                        	function new();
                        	 * @property maxAttibs
                        	 * @type Number
                        	var maxAttibs:Int;
                        	 * @property attribState
                        	 * @type Array
                        	var attribState:Array<Bool>;
                        	 * @property tempAttribState
                        	 * @type Array
                        	var tempAttribState:Array<Bool>;
                        	 * @property stack
                        	 * @type Array
                        	var stack:Array<Dynamic>;
                        	* @method setContext
                        	* @param gl {WebGLContext} the current WebGL drawing context
                        	function setContext(gl:Dynamic):Void;
                        	* Takes the attributes given in parameters.
                        	* @method setAttribs
                        	* @param attribs {Array} attribs
                        	function setAttribs(attribs:Array<Dynamic>):Void;
                        	* Sets the current shader.
                        	* @method setShader
                        	* @param shader {Any}
                        	function setShader(shader:Dynamic):Void;
                        	* Destroys this object.
                        	* @method destroy
                        	function destroy():Void;