API Docs for: 2.2.1

File: pixi/renderers/webgl/utils/WebGLSpriteBatch.hx

                        package pixi.renderers.webgl.utils;
                        import pixi.extras.TilingSprite;
                        import pixi.filters.AbstractFilter;
                        import pixi.display.Sprite;
                        import pixi.textures.Texture;
                        import pixi.textures.BaseTexture;
                        extern class WebGLSpriteBatch {
                        	 * @class WebGLSpriteBatch
                        	function new();
                        	 * @property vertSize
                        	 * @type Number
                        	var vertSize:Int;
                        	 * The number of images in the SpriteBatch before it flushes
                        	 * @property size
                        	 * @type Number
                        	var size:Float; //Math.pow(2, 16) /  this.vertSize;
                        	* Holds the vertices
                        	* @property vertices
                        	* @type Float32Array
                        	var vertices:Array<Float>;
                        	 * Holds the indices
                        	 * @property indices
                        	 * @type Uint16Array
                        	var indices:Array<Int>;
                        	 * @property lastIndexCount
                        	 * @type Number
                        	var lastIndexCount:Int;
                        	 * @property drawing
                        	 * @type Boolean
                        	var drawing:Bool;
                        	 * @property currentBatchSize
                        	 * @type Number
                        	var currentBatchSize:Float;
                        	 * @property currentBaseTexture
                        	 * @type BaseTexture
                        	var currentBaseTexture:BaseTexture;
                        	 * @property dirty
                        	 * @type Boolean
                        	var dirty:Bool;
                        	 * @property textures
                        	 * @type Array
                        	var textures:Array<Texture>;
                        	 * @property blendModes
                        	 * @type Array
                        	var blendModes:Array<Dynamic>;
                        	 * @property shaders
                        	 * @type Array
                        	var shaders:Array<Dynamic>;
                        	 * @property sprites
                        	 * @type Array
                        	var sprites:Array<Sprite>;
                        	 * @property defaultShader
                        	 * @type AbstractFilter
                        	var defaultShader:AbstractFilter;
                        	* @method setContext
                        	* @param gl {WebGLContext} the current WebGL drawing context
                        	function setContext(gl:Dynamic):Void;
                        	* @method begin
                        	* @param renderSession {Object} The RenderSession object
                        	function begin(renderSession:Dynamic):Void;
                        	* @method end
                        	function end():Void;
                        	* @method render
                        	* @param sprite {Sprite} the sprite to render when using this spritebatch
                        	function render(sprite:Sprite):Void;
                        	* Renders a TilingSprite using the spriteBatch.
                        	* @method renderTilingSprite
                        	* @param tilingSprite {TilingSprite} the tilingSprite to render
                        	function renderTilingSprite(tilingSprite:TilingSprite):Void;
                        	* Renders the content and empties the current batch.
                        	* @method flush
                        	function flush():Void;
                        	* @method renderBatch
                        	* @param texture {Texture}
                        	* @param size {Number}
                        	* @param startIndex {Number}
                        	function renderBatch(texture:Texture, size:Float, startIndex:Int):Void;
                        	* @method stop
                        	function stop():Void;
                        	* @method start
                        	function start():Void;
                        	* Destroys the SpriteBatch.
                        	* @method destroy
                        	function destroy():Void;