API Docs for: 2.2.1

File: pixi/spine/Spine.hx

                        package pixi.spine;
                        import pixi.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
                        extern class Spine extends DisplayObjectContainer {
                        	 * A class that enables the you to import and run your spine animations in pixi.
                        	 * Spine animation data needs to be loaded using the PIXI.AssetLoader or PIXI.SpineLoader before it can be used by this class
                        	 * See example 12 (http://www.goodboydigital.com/pixijs/examples/12/) to see a working example and check out the source
                        	 * @class Spine
                        	 * @extends DisplayObjectContainer
                        	 * @constructor
                        	 * @param url {String} The url of the spine anim file to be used
                        	function new(url:String);
                        	 * If this flag is set to true, the spine animation will be autoupdated every time
                        	 * the object id drawn. The down side of this approach is that the delta time is
                        	 * automatically calculated and you could miss out on cool effects like slow motion,
                        	 * pause, skip ahead and the sorts. Most of these effects can be achieved even with
                        	 * autoupdate enabled but are harder to achieve.
                        	 * @property autoUpdate
                        	 * @type { Bool }
                        	 * @default true
                        	var autoUpdate:Bool;
                        	 * Update the spine skeleton and its animations by delta time (dt)
                        	 * @method update
                        	 * @param dt {Float} Delta time. Time by which the animation should be updated
                        	function update(dt:Float):Void;
                        	var spineData:SkeletonData;
                        	var skeleton:Skeleton;
                        	var stateData:AnimationStateData;
                        	var state:AnimationState;
                        typedef Descriptor = {
                        	var name:String;
                        	var scale:Float;
                        	var rotation:Float;