File: pixi/spine/SpineTextureLoader.hx
package pixi.spine;
import pixi.textures.BaseTexture;
extern class SpineTextureLoader {
* Supporting class to load images from spine atlases as per spine spec.
* @class SpineTextureLoader
* @uses EventTarget
* @constructor
* @param basePath {String} Tha base path where to look for the images to be loaded
* @param crossorigin {Bool} Whether requests should be treated as crossorigin
function new(basePath:String, ?crossorigin:Bool);
* Starts loading a base texture as per spine specification
* @method load
* @param page {spine.AtlasPage} Atlas page to which texture belongs
* @param file {String} The file to load, this is just the file path relative to the base path configured in the constructor
function load(page:Dynamic, file:String):Void;
* Unloads a previously loaded texture as per spine specification
* @method unload
* @param texture {BaseTexture} Texture object to destroy
function unload(texture:BaseTexture):Void;