API Docs for: 2.2.1

File: pixi/text/Text.hx

                        package pixi.text;
                        import pixi.display.Sprite;
                        import pixi.DomDefinitions;
                        extern class Text extends Sprite {
                        	 * A Text Object will create a line(s) of text. To split a line you can use '\n'
                        	 * or add a wordWrap property set to true and and wordWrapWidth property with a value
                        	 * in the style object
                        	 * @class Text
                        	 * @extends Sprite
                        	 * @constructor
                        	 * @param text {String} The copy that you would like the text to display
                        	 * @param [style] {TextStyle} The style parameters
                        	 * @param [style.font] {String} default 'bold 20px Arial' The style and size of the font
                        	 * @param [style.fill='black'] {String} A canvas fillstyle that will be used on the text e.g '#00FF00'
                        	 * @param [style.align='left'] {String} Alignment for multiline text ('left', 'center' or 'right'), does not affect single line text
                        	 * @param [style.stroke] {String} A canvas fillstyle that will be used on the text stroke e.g ''#FCFF00'
                        	 * @param [style.strokeThickness=0] {Float} A number that represents the thickness of the stroke. Default is 0 (no stroke)
                        	 * @param [style.wordWrap=false] {Bool} Indicates if word wrap should be used
                        	 * @param [style.wordWrapWidth=100] {Float} The width at which text will wrap, it needs wordWrap to be set to true
                        	 * @param [style.dropShadow=false] {Bool} Set a drop shadow for the text
                        	 * @param [style.dropShadowColor='#000000'] {String} A fill style to be used on the dropshadow e.g 'red', '#00FF00'
                        	 * @param [style.dropShadowAngle=Math.PI/4] {Number} Set a angle of the drop shadow
                        	 * @param [style.dropShadowDistance=5] {Number} Set a distance of the drop shadow
                        	function new(text:String, ?style:TextStyle):Void;
                        	 * Set the style of the text
                        	 * @method setStyle
                        	 * @param style {TextStyle} The style parameters
                        	 * @param [style.font] {String} default 'bold 20px Arial' The style and size of the font
                        	 * @param [style.fill='black'] {String} A canvas fillstyle that will be used on the text e.g '#00FF00'
                        	 * @param [style.align='left'] {String} Alignment for multiline text ('left', 'center' or 'right'), does not affect single line text
                        	 * @param [style.stroke] {String} A canvas fillstyle that will be used on the text stroke e.g ''#FCFF00'
                        	 * @param [style.strokeThickness=0] {Float} A number that represents the thickness of the stroke. Default is 0 (no stroke)
                        	 * @param [style.wordWrap=false] {Bool} Indicates if word wrap should be used
                        	 * @param [style.wordWrapWidth=100] {Float} The width at which text will wrap, it needs wordWrap to be set to true
                        	 * @param [style.dropShadow=false] {Bool} Set a drop shadow for the text
                        	 * @param [style.dropShadowColor='#000000'] {String} A fill style to be used on the dropshadow e.g 'red', '#00FF00'
                        	 * @param [style.dropShadowAngle=Math.PI/4] {Number} Set a angle of the drop shadow
                        	 * @param [style.dropShadowDistance=5] {Number} Set a distance of the drop shadow
                        	function setStyle(style:TextStyle):Void;
                        	 * Set the copy for the text object. To split a line you can use '\n'
                        	 * @method setText
                        	 * @param {String} text The copy that you would like the text to display
                        	function setText(text:String):Void;
                        	 * Destroys this text object
                        	 * @method destroy
                        	 * @param [destroyBaseTexture] {Bool} whether to destroy the base texture as well
                        	function destroy(?destroyBaseTexture:Bool):Void;
                        	 * Text value
                        	 * @type String
                        	var text:String;
                        	 * The canvas element that everything is drawn to
                        	 * @property canvas
                        	 * @type CanvasElement
                        	var canvas:CanvasElement;
                        	 * The canvas 2d context that everything is drawn with
                        	 * @property context
                        	 * @type CanvasRenderingContext2D
                        	var context:CanvasRenderingContext2D;
                        typedef TextStyle = {
                        	@:optional var font:String;
                        	@:optional var fill:String;
                        	@:optional var align:String;
                        	@:optional var stroke:String;
                        	@:optional var strokeThickness:Float;
                        	@:optional var wordWrap:Bool;
                        	@:optional var wordWrapWidth:Float;
                        	@:optional var dropShadow:Bool;
                        	@:optional var dropShadowColor:String;
                        	@:optional var dropShadowAngle:Float;
                        	@:optional var dropShadowDistance:Float;