API Docs for: 2.2.1

File: pixi/textures/BaseTexture.hx

                        package pixi.textures;
                        import pixi.DomDefinitions;
                        import pixi.utils.EventTarget;
                        extern class BaseTexture extends EventTarget {
                        	 * A texture stores the information that represents an image. All textures have a base texture
                        	 * @class BaseTexture
                        	 * @uses EventTarget
                        	 * @constructor
                        	 * @param source {String} the source object (image or canvas)
                        	 * @param scaleMode {Int} Should be one of the PIXI.scaleMode consts
                        	function new(source:String, scaleMode:Int);
                        	 * The Resolution of the texture.
                        	 * @property resolution
                        	 * @type Float
                        	var resolution:Float;
                        	 * [read-only] The width of the base texture set when the image has loaded
                        	 * @property width
                        	 * @type Float
                        	var width:Float;
                        	 * [read-only] The height of the base texture set when the image has loaded
                        	 * @property height
                        	 * @type Float
                        	var height:Float;
                        	 * The scale mode to apply when scaling this texture
                        	 * @property scaleMode
                        	 * @type Float
                        	var scaleMode:Float;
                        	 * [read-only] Describes if the base texture has loaded or not
                        	 * @property hasLoaded
                        	 * @type Bool
                        	var hasLoaded:Bool;
                        	 * The source that is loaded to create the texture
                        	 * @property source
                        	 * @type Dynamic
                        	var source:Dynamic;
                        	var imageUrl:String;
                        	var premultipliedAlpha:Bool;
                        	 * Destroys this base texture
                        	 * @method destroy
                        	function destroy():Void;
                        	 * Sets all glTextures to be dirty.
                        	 * @method dirty
                        	function dirty():Void;
                        	 * Changes the source image of the texture
                        	 * @method updateSourceImage
                        	 * @param newSrc {String} the path of the image
                        	function updateSourceImage(newSrc:String):Void;
                        	 * Helper function that returns a base texture based on an image url
                        	 * If the image is not in the base texture cache it will be created and loaded
                        	 * @static
                        	 * @method fromImage
                        	 * @param imageUrl {String} The image url of the texture
                        	 * @param crossorigin {Bool}
                        	 * @param scaleMode {Int} Should be one of the PIXI.scaleMode consts
                        	 * @return BaseTexture
                        	static function fromImage(imageUrl:String, ?crossorigin:Bool, ?scaleMode:Int):BaseTexture;
                        	 * Helper function that returns a base texture based on a canvas element
                        	 * If the image is not in the base texture cache it will be created and loaded
                        	 * @static
                        	 * @method fromCanvas
                        	 * @param canvas {Canvas} The canvas element source of the texture
                        	 * @param scaleMode {Int} Should be one of the PIXI.scaleMode consts
                        	 * @return BaseTexture
                        	static function fromCanvas(canvas:CanvasElement, ?scaleMode:Int):BaseTexture;