API Docs for: 2.2.1

File: pixi/utils/Utils.hx

                        package pixi.utils;
                        extern class Utils {
                        	 * Converts a hex color number to an [R, G, B] array
                        	 * @method hex2rgb
                        	 * @param hex {Float}
                        	 * @return Array<Float>
                        	static function hex2rgb(hex:Float):Array<Float>;
                        	 * Converts a color as an [R, G, B] array to a hex number
                        	 * @method rgb2hex
                        	 * @param rgb {Array}
                        	 * @return Float
                        	static function rgb2hex(rgb:Array<Float>):Float;
                        	 * Checks whether the Canvas BlendModes are supported by the current browser
                        	 * @method canUseNewCanvasBlendModes
                        	 * @return {Bool} whether they are supported
                        	static function canUseNewCanvasBlendModes():Bool;
                        	 * Given a number, this function returns the closest number that is a power of two
                        	 * this function is taken from Starling Framework as its pretty neat ;)
                        	 * @method getNextPowerOfTwo
                        	 * @param number {Float}
                        	 * @return {Float} the closest number that is a power of two
                        	static function getNextPowerOfTwo(hex:Float):Float;
                        	 * checks if the given width and height make a power of two texture
                        	 * @method isPowerOfTwo
                        	 * @param width {Float}
                        	 * @param height {Float}
                        	 * @return {Bool}
                        	static function isPowerOfTwo(width:Float, height:Float):Bool;
                         * A wrapper for ajax requests to be handled cross browser
                         * @method AjaxRequest
                        extern class AjaxRequest {
                        	var overrideMimeType:String -> Void;
                        	var responseXML:Dynamic;
                        	var responseText:String;
                        	var status:Int;
                        	var readyState:Int;
                        	var onreadystatechange:Void -> Void;
                        	function new():Void;
                        	function open(method:String, url:String, value:Bool):Void;
                        	function send(data:Dynamic):Void;